
Is The TikTok Tihoo Actually Useful?



Alright TikTokers, you convinced me. After spending countless hours on the ubiquitous app and scrolling through hundreds of Amazon product recommendations, I finally caved and purchased the Tihoo, an electrical desktop dust collector. Now, out of all the products I’ve seen, I can’t tell you exactly why this product is the one I chose to buy. But I can tell you that I don’t regret it. Although the Tihoo wasn’t a necessity for me, would it have been as exciting if it was?

Photo via Amazon

Tihoo Keyboard Vacuum Cleaner Computer Desktop Table Dust Sweeper for Countertop Crumbs Collector for Eraser Shaving Table Cleaner for Kitchen Gadgets Mint Office Supplies — $15.99

I’m not going to lie, I wasn’t sure the Tihoo would even work that well, but it was so cheap that I just said screw it. Well, slap my ass and call me Sally because this product literally blew my mind. It’s so simple, yet so useful. It’s essentially a battery powered, handheld vacuum cleaner that picks up all those little crumbs and dust particles that can be a nuisance to clean up yourself. It works on any hard surface and can even be used on carpeting if you’re really feeling lazy. I’ve tried it out on pretty much every surface, including my carpet, and it has yet to disappoint.

For just $15.99 on Amazon, The Tihoo offers an amazing and convenient cleaning solution and will save you from having to manually clean up those annoying little messes again. Shoutout TikTok.


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