In many ways 2020 felt like it lasted forever. But in at least one important sense, it seemed to spiral out of control. With forced lockdowns turning the day’s longest commute into a trip to the refrigerator, it is no wonder that many Americans gained weight during the pandemic. Even people who were indefatigable in their efforts to stay in shape pre-COVID have found themselves chubbier than they were one year ago. Did anyone actually fulfill their 2020 New Year’s resolutions? It would have taken a herculean commitment to do so.
Maybe that will make New Year’s resolutions all that much easier to stick to in 2021? Let’s hope so. If your goal is to lose weight, then it should be both an added comfort as well as extra motivation to know that you yourself were at that target weight not all that long ago. Still, it will help to have tools available to help you with the task ahead.
To start, make sure you own a scale. In the past, many people have relied on the scales at the gym to track their weight loss journey. With most gyms closed, it is time for you to get one into your home.
Gym equipment will also be of use. Even after all this time, free weights are hard to come by. So if you see ones available for immediate delivery on Amazon, you should jump at the chance to build your home gym.
To really shed the pounds, you are going to need cardio equipment. My family has a NordicTrack stationary bike, complete with digital iFit personal training. Not only has it helped us stave off serious obesity, but it also gives us something to do. The gorgeous scenery afforded by the iFit training programs make you feel like you can actually travel again.