Nearly four years ago, an unassuming winter coat from a no-name Chinese company went mega-viral. Christened the “Amazon jacket” and covered by pretty much every website that does affiliate sales, the Orolay Women’s Thicket Down Jacket has nearly 20,000 global ratings on Amazon, although its online plaudits pale in comparison to the street cred it gets from being fashionable among the New York City elite. Given the surprising fact that it is still popular all these years later, one half expects it to turn up in the “Sex and the City” reboot. (I’ll let someone who has actually seen the show determine which character is most likely to don it in “And Just Like That…”)
Sadly, its success has allowed Orolay to raise its price. Initially priced at under $100, you now have to pay close to double that much if you are a latecomer to the party.
Considering that its ubiquity among hip circles has resulted in comparisons to the Moncler, which costs 10 times that amount, this is still a small price to pay in the grand scheme of things. How many times in your life will you have the opportunity to wear something with “Balenciaga influence” without taking from your kids’ college funds?