Remember “The Queen’s Gambit”? In late 2020, the acclaimed Netflix miniseries (based on a novel) captured the attention of millions, causing sales of chess sets to...
The holidays are here, and families are preparing for their first ever quarantine Christmas. Although it may seem we have exhausted all options for entertainment, a...
Ken Jennings has had a busy year. Who can forget the prime time January 2020 television event “Jeopardy! The Greatest of All Time,” which pitted Jennings...
In less than a month, the second season of the hit show “The Mandalorian” is slated to premiere on Disney+. Unless you’ve been living under a...
In retrospect, I should have read the fine print. HBO’s new standalone streaming service, HBO Max, debuted last week to great fanfare. Ads for HBO Max...
Here we all are, 2+ months since we’ve been allowed to go about our normal lives. Having finished the “Tiger King,” we find ourselves groping around...
Mandatory social distancing has been going on for more than a month now, and the natives are getting restless. Protests are popping up throughout the country,...
I don’t think I will ever understand the Funko POP! phenomenon. Yes, fads of collectibles have been known to sweep the nation. We are, first and...